Agricultural Advisory Service “AgroCare” – (sert. №107 dd. 04.11.20), is legally an agricultural cooperative, which provides advice to its members in the field of soil improvement, biological protection, the introduction of modern methods of soil conservation and carbon farming, also produces biodynamic preparations for everyone and conducts treatments with these preparations.
The activities of ASC “AgroCare” are aimed at promoting the best agronomic practices focused at improving soils, preserving biodiversity, and caring for Ukraine’s water resources. In its activities at promoting biodynamic agriculture in Ukraine, a separate project “Center for Applied Biodynamic Agriculture” has been developed. (https://bd.agrocare.farm/ ).
The activity of the Center is aimed at providing all those wishing to practice biodynamic agriculture without an initial deep immersion in this science. 11 biodynamic preparations: 500, 500P, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, CPP – are certified by Organic Standard. “AgroCare” advisors, in addition to organic support, promote biodynamic agriculture in the organic market, advise and help to apply preparations at the territories of farms.
Due to the fact that the agricultural cooperative AgroCare, in accordance with the law of Ukraine, has fewer opportunities to promote and disseminate knowledge among farmers who are not members of the cooperative, we decided to create the Green Agro Solutions Public Association, which will be open to all interested farmers who can be helped with our knowledge and capabilities.

The main goal of the Association is to disseminate the best agronomic practices aimed at improving soils, preserving biodiversity, and respecting the natural resources of Ukraine, namely: renewable and sustainable agriculture, organic, regenerative, permaculture, and biodynamic practices.