The core team of AgroCare advisors

Vorontsov Vitalii – Head of the AgroCare agricultural advisory service (certificate No. 107 dated 04.11.20)
– Advisor on management of agricultural enterprises and investment consulting (certificate №714 from 27.02.20)
– Expert advisor on agribusiness, consulting in biodynamic agriculture and integrated implementation of projects in the agro-industrial complex (certificate №742 dd. 22.05.20)

Teteruk Mykola – Advisor on biological plant protection and production of organic agricultural products (certificate №711 dd. 10.12.19)

Bykov Mykola – Advisor on agronomy (certificate №26/2017/2), agronomist-consultant of the Danube Soybean Association, National Expert on Soil Conservation Agriculture of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

Halyna Humeniuk  is an advisor on organization, logistics planning, and implementation of organic technologies for growing berry, fruit, and vegetable products.

Bykova Olha – Advisor on agronomy, ecology, soil science (certificate №809 dd. 17.12.21) advising on soil assessment: agrochemical indicators, soil fertility; recommendations on the fertilization system by the method of prof. Albrecht (USA).

Advisors are highly professional specialists and are in the state register of advisors and expert advisors. They are also consultants on organic production and the market of organic products – “Handbook of consultants on organic production and the market of organic products” for 2022
(Довідник консультантів – 2022.pdf )